I recently had a great conversation with someone regarding retail from a domestic perspective and the airport perspective. We had both come to the same consensus – that sometimes, the retail or product offer seems to get lost in translation.
Now, I am not talking about language here – I am talking about the entire experience. What is it that makes this happen?
An Example
Moving to Airports
Key Actions
- Recruitment – Are you recruiting effectively? Are you running assessment centres to find the best candidates? Are you looking in the right place for the best talent. Make sure that you get the right people in the right place even if it takes longer to recruit than planned.
- Training – Sometimes Travel Retail can be seen as the poor relation to a bigger business. This means that the airport business suffers in terms of skill set. A business should be putting their best talent into the travel retail sector. Once you have the best people, train them and train them well.
- Culture – Travel Retail is not an island. Ensure that your travel retail division is included and part of the wider business. Ensure that TR is not just a minor and misunderstood division. Makes sure the wider culture of the business is evident within the TR environment.
Of course, there are many more actions that can be utilised however, the one common factor is People. Get that right and you will make that translation from Domestic to Airside that much smoother.
As ever, thank you for reading. Please do share and subscribe.
Have a great week.
Founder & Managing Director
One Red Kite Limited
[email protected]
Author of “Travel Retail : The Insider’s Guide”
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